Who am I, just as I am?
A bird in blind flight, desperate for light,
Soaring through the night, my wings carrying me high,
To boisterous heights, where shine and might align.
But the lime skips in fright, and I, a mother bird,
Fly to the peak, where many rise to be their true self,
Realizing their potential and zeal, yet appreciation’s a big deal.
Many generations strive for the ultimate prize,
But how ultimate is the price, when life’s a flickering light?
Like unsteady waves, it ebbs and flows, washing away our castles.
Who am I, just as I am?
A bulk of clayey dust, with life in every particle,
Born to win and survive, though victim to doctrines and symbols.
Confused and manipulated, I’m lost at the crossroads,
Drowning in deep confusion, waiting for rescue.
Enough of the misleadings! What use are they to me,
When I have Yahweh, who makes a way, more express.
Who am I, just as I am?
I am who I am, sent to know my fate,
Until the day I faint.