Naija Poetry Fest (NPF) Community is a fast-growing community of bright, enthusiastic poets, spoken word artists, writers and lovers of poetry. It was founded by Godson Osarenren, one of Nigeria’s leading Page Poets and author of the 100-poem collection, Bush Radio. For us, poetry is king, so crowned in our hearts.
Our Community Activities
Ours is indeed a vibrant poetry community with various poetic expressions on a daily basis. We give room to every member of the community to express their gifts and skills in a variety of poetic expressions, including page poetry, spoken word poetry, rap, collaborative poetry and much more.
Here’s a breakdown of our community activities:

Picture Prompt Poetry
They say a picture says a thousand words, on Mondays in Naija Poetry Fest Community, this saying proves true. Our brilliant poets craft creative, poetic masterpieces inspired by a thought provoking picture.
Join us to witness how a single picture can birth a thousand, nay thousands, of riveting poetic words and verses.
Anchored by: Michael Tobechukwu on Mondays.

Open Mic
On Tuesdays, we unleash the powers of spoken word poetry in Open Mic. Grab the mic and unleash the powers of spoken word poetry.
Anchored by: Esther Abdullahi and Priceless Onyegbuna on Tuesdays.
Poetry Workshop
Every other Tuesday, it’s time to learn, unlearn and relearn with Poetry Workshop. We cover a variety of topics ranging from arts, literary appreciation, self publishing, leveraging digital media tools, and so on.
Anchored by: Joshua Solomon every other Tuesday.

Themed Poetry
On Thursdays, we craft poetic works according to the day’s theme.
Anchored by: Isidinma Nnamdi (FLOWERS) and Onumba Favour Amarachi on Thursdays.
Poem Analysis
On Fridays, we break down poems with our powers of analysis as we highlight the literary devices used in selected poems.
Anchored by: Adesewa Alagbala on Fridays.

Collaborative Poetry
On Saturdays, we contribute to a collaborative poetry piece to create an often long yet masterful piece of poetry
Anchored by: Gellal Alli on Saturdays.
Verses of Laughter
Join us on Saturdays as we laugh a little in a poetic way.
Anchored by: Bonn Columbus Legogie on Saturdays.